The Gem Hunters

Debora P. Williams
Project summery

• Get all team members and project stakeholders on the same page from start to finish
• Show the progress of a project at several moments in time
• Keep the team on track, help them stay organized, and get them working together efficiently
• Present or provide updates on projects to the stakeholders


• Project Manager – [Vishal Solanki]
• [Position 1] – Dhaval Veagd]
• [Position 2] – Milan Kachhot]


The The Gem Hunters Project is a document that demonstrates project milestones, metrics, and timeline updates to keep the team on track, help them stay organized, and get them working together efficiently. It is also used as a project brief to provide updates on the project to the stakeholders.

About this Website

Implementation is the execution or practice of a plan, a method or any design, idea, model, specification, standard or policy for doing something. As such, implementation is the action that must follow any preliminary thinking for something to actually happen.

In an information technology (IT) context, the definition of implementation encompasses the processes that happen after the customer buys the product to get it operating properly. These processes include the following:

1. Analyzing requirements
2. Installation
3. Configuration
4. Customization
5. Testing
6. Running
7. Systems integrations
8. User training
9. Delivery
10. Making changes

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